Friday, September 27, 2013

Justin Bieber at the Golden Gate Bridge

This is a picture I created in photoshop. It is a picture of Justin Bieber at the Golden Gate. Yes I know... it's not the best but, how can you not love Justin Bieber. Enjoy the picture!

Friday, September 20, 2013

A Pretty Ball of Light

This is a picture of something I made on It was really easy to do. I had a lot of fun making different patterns with different colors. 

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

The Most Beautiful Place IN.THE.WORLD. Toucan Paradise

This is the image I created in Photoshop. It's a picture of a tropical beach.The of this place is Toucan Paradise.I started with a background image and then added 6 other images to it using the selection tools.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

The New Samsung Galaxy Smart Watch!

The new Samsung Galaxy Smart Watch is really cool! It will be available to the public later on this month. The cost of the new watch will be $299. It has a 27 hour battery life. The watch is also compatible with the company's new Samsung Galaxy Note 3 device.