Friday, December 13, 2013

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Holes the Movie Trailer

This is a movie trailer for the movie Holes. I created it in Movie Maker. I hope you enjoy! :)

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Photo Shop Brushes!

This is a picture I created using the brushes from I'm very proud of the picture I made. Especially with my color choices. I hope you enjoy! :)

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Cyber bullying!

Cyber bullying is a major issue. The things that you say can hurt people. Sometimes it can lead to death. It is an issue that can easily be solved by simply giving someone a smile. Think about what you say before you say it. How would you feel if you were in the shoes of the person being bullied? What if that person was one of your dear family members?

Friday, November 8, 2013

My Beautiful Name!

I used my awesome design skills to place famous people's pictures into my name. The pictures in order Ariana Grande (T), Carrie Underwood (I), Luke Bryan (A), Marilyn Monroe (N), and Kim Kardashian (A).

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Death by Light Saber!

These light sabers were originally yard sticks. I used my photo shop skills to create this picture. It was very tedious work. However I do think my hard work payed off. Enjoy the picture! :)

Thursday, October 31, 2013

The Vampire Lady

This is a photo I created on It is a photo of a blood thirsty vampire.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Masking in photo shop (Ariana Grande, Carrie Underwood)

This is my attempt at masking in photo shop. The top picture is of country music star Carrie Underwood, and pop singer Ariana Grande.

Color Replacement in Photoshop (Marilyn Monroe, Luke Bryan)

I used the color replacement tool in Photo Shop to replace some of the colors in the picture. The top picture features the late Marilyn Monroe and the bottom features country music star Luke Bryan.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

What Color Am I?

This is the color I got for my personality. The color I got was gold. These are the words that associate with the personality color gold.

Storybird: The Importance of Family

This is the story I created about the importance of family.

Thursday, October 3, 2013


This is something I created on I put it in the shape of a heel because I thought it was cute. The words in the heel are words from the Google website.

*Starbucks Logo Change!!!!*

I don't think Starbucks should have changed their logo because it doesn't have the company name on it. However people have become accustomed to the symbol so it wouldn't be hard to recognize.To me I guess the logo looks cleaner. I'm just not used to the new logo. To be honest I don't even see the logo half of the time because my hand is on the cup.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Justin Bieber at the Golden Gate Bridge

This is a picture I created in photoshop. It is a picture of Justin Bieber at the Golden Gate. Yes I know... it's not the best but, how can you not love Justin Bieber. Enjoy the picture!

Friday, September 20, 2013

A Pretty Ball of Light

This is a picture of something I made on It was really easy to do. I had a lot of fun making different patterns with different colors. 

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

The Most Beautiful Place IN.THE.WORLD. Toucan Paradise

This is the image I created in Photoshop. It's a picture of a tropical beach.The of this place is Toucan Paradise.I started with a background image and then added 6 other images to it using the selection tools.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

The New Samsung Galaxy Smart Watch!

The new Samsung Galaxy Smart Watch is really cool! It will be available to the public later on this month. The cost of the new watch will be $299. It has a 27 hour battery life. The watch is also compatible with the company's new Samsung Galaxy Note 3 device.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Google Glasses

I think the Google glasses are pretty cool. I don't know if I'd like wearing them all the time. The fact that you can see the information in front of you is interesting. Not including you don't have to type. I would enjoy wearing them on weekends.

My amazing Bomomo!

This my amazing bomomo. Have fun trying to look at one thing at a time.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Shawnee Mission North Wordle

27 Seconds

If I had twenty-seven seconds to tell you what I want to be in life, I would tell you this... When I get older I would like to go into one of six different types of things. The first thing I consider doing for a living is being some sort of doctor or surgeon in the medical field things like surgery could help save someones life. Second, I have thought of being one the people who delivers babies. Third, would be a chef because I like to cook. Fourth, I think would be a lawyer or an attorney. Fifth, would probably be a fashion designer or just something that has to do with beauty like hair and make up. Finally, the last thing I think I would consider being when I'm older is being a sports trainer because I've had a lot of injuries during my time playing sports another reason is that I'm just really interested in sports and helping get better. The choices are different but I have time to decide what I want to do.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Summer Reflection

Hi my name is Tiana. My summer was some what exciting. I played on two softball teams all summer long. I also had to go to cheerleading practice three times a week bright and early in the morning. That is pretty much my summer.